A round up of this year's public engagement prize-winners and nominees.
In this blog series, we hear from some of the students on the Babraham Institute's 2021 Research Access Programme. In this final article, we hear from two students: Ashley, a physiological sciences student at the University of Bristol, and Marina, a Biology student at the University of York.
In this blog series, we hear from some of the students on the Babraham Institute's 2021 Research Access Programme. In this article, we hear from Callum, a Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine student from the University of Nottingham, about his experience on the programme.
In this blog series, we hear from some of the students on the Babraham Institute's 2021 Research Access Programme. In this article, we hear from Ellie, a Biosciences student from Durham University, about her experience on the programme.
In this blog series, we hear from some of the students on the Babraham Institute's 2021 Research Access Programme. In this article we hear from Anna; a Biochemistry student at Imperial College London.
In this blog series, we hear from some of the students on the Babraham Institute's 2021 Research Access Programme. In this first article, we hear from Sara, a Biochemistry student from Imperial College London, about her experience on the programme.
How Babraham Institute staff and scientists have been working with local school students on a collaborative project to produce a game about viruses and vaccinations.
In this blog series, students on the 2020 Diversity Access Programme share their thoughts and experiences of the programme.
At the Engage Festival 2020, the Babraham Institute presented an overview of a series of public dialogues on genome editing.
Say hello to Mike, our new adult and communities Public Engagement Officer. Here he talks about his career journey from working in a lab to sharing his love of science through public engagement.
Meet Fergus, our newest Public Engagement team member. In this introductory blog post, he gives us an insight into his career path so far, his passion for engagement, and some of the events we have to look forward to in the coming months.
Schools Engagement Officer Mike Hinton looks back at his career in Public Engagement
As part of our build-up to Schools’ Day 2020 we asked students to submit their questions to our researchers. This series of three blog posts answers the top four questions. Read on to learn about what motivated our researchers to follow a career in science, their perspectives on the importance of maths and computing skills and whether a degree in science is essential.
Karan, Storme and Ania are enthusiastic A-Level students experienced life in our labs as Nuffield Placement students, discovering more about the exciting opportunities a research career can offer.
Steph Norwood, the Babraham Institute's ORION Project lead, explains the latest call for collaborators to co-create a museum exhibit on vaccination.
Richard, a PhD student in the Cook lab, summarises why he feels we need to pause and re-think public engagement, elevating it from a nice side hobby to the critical essence of why we do research.
Piot Jung, a PhD Student in the Stephens/Hawkins group and Chiara Pantarelli, a PhD student in the Welch group, explained how their PhD projects helped them to develop their award-winning public engagement activity