
Bioinformatics in server room

Providing comprehensive tools and analysis for life sciences

Key services

  • Bioinformatics Analysis
  • Consultancy
  • Statistics
  • Training
  • Software
  • Infrastructure



Expertise & Advice

The Babraham Bioinformatics facility is here to help with all your computational biology requirements. Our team is composed of experienced bioinformaticians and statisticians, all of whom have a biological background. We are happy to provide advice or practical assistance on how to apply computational methods to extract biological information. More information is available on their website at

Key Facts

During 2021 we trained more than 600 delegates from The Babraham Institute, Babraham Research Campus companies and other organisations around the world, including European Bioinformatics Institute, Institute of Cancer Research, University of Cambridge, The Crick Institute, ETH Zurich, Astra Zeneca, and CRAGenomica in Barcelona).

Facility Flyer

Download Bioinformatics flyer (pdf)


Case study - Babraham Bioinformatics


Bioinformatics training course
Bioinformatics screenshot

Facility Members

Simon Andrews

Head of Bioinformatics Facility

Chetin Baloglu

LIPID MAPS Web Developer

Laura Biggins

Core Bioinformatician

Hayley Carr

Biological Statistician

Nicole Forrester

Visiting Student

Sarah Inglesfield

Core Bioinformatician

Jo Montgomery

Scientific Training and Data Integrity Manager