Adrian Liston is an honorary group leader at the Babraham Institute, and was a senior group leader at the Institute from 2019-2023. His PhD research was on T cell tolerance and diabetes with Professor Chris Goodnow at the Australian National University, followed by post-doctoral research on regulatory T cell biology with Professor Sasha Rudensky at the University of Washington.
From 2009-2018, Liston ran his independent laboratory and founded two core facilities, on flow cytometry and CrispR, at the VIB and the University of Leuven, in Belgium. In 2019, Liston relocated his research team to the Babraham Institute. For a summary of Adrian's research findings and wider activities, including writing two children's books to explain how the immune system works and the importance of vaccination, see this news digest. For a profile on Adrian's research interests and career, see: Meet Adrian Liston, international immunologist
Adrian joined the University of Cambridge in April 2023 as Professor of Pathology.
Twitter: @LabListon