Cook Group

Cook Group
Cook Group
Simon Cook
Institute Director
Cook Group

Research Summary

One of the keys to understanding lifelong health is to understand the signalling pathways that operate inside cells and govern key fate decisions such as cell death, cell survival, cell division or cell senescence (collectively cell longevity).  These signalling pathways involve enzymes called ‘protein kinases’ that attach phosphate groups to specific cellular proteins, thereby controlling their activity, location or abundance. In this way protein kinases orchestrate the cellular response to growth factors, nutrient availability or stress and damage.

Ageing results in part from the imbalance between cellular damage, accrued throughout life, and the progressive decline in stress response and repair pathways. We are interested in how protein kinases function in stress responses, the removal of damaged cellular components (e.g. autophagy, see also Nicholas Ktistakis and Oliver Florey) and the control of cellular lifespan. We believe this will enhance our understanding of how the normal declines in these processes drive ageing.

Signalling pathways are frequently de-regulated in certain age-related diseases – notably in cancer, inflammation and neurodegeneration – and many protein kinases are attractive drug targets. Consequently we translate our basic knowledge of signalling through collaborations with charities and pharmaceutical companies (e.g. AstraZeneca and MISSION Therapeutics).

Latest Publications

Cook SJ Signalling


+view abstract Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, PMID: 39661912

Meng B, Zhao N, Mlcochova P, Ferreira IATM, Ortmann BM, Davis T, Wit N, Rehwinkel J, Cook S, Maxwell PH, Nathan JA, Gupta RK Signalling

Low-oxygen conditions (hypoxia) have been associated primarily with cell-cycle arrest in dividing cells. Macrophages are typically quiescent in G0 but can proliferate in response to tissue signals. Here we show that hypoxia (1% oxygen tension) results in reversible entry into the cell cycle in macrophages. Cell cycle progression is largely limited to G0-G1/S phase transition with little progression to G2/M. This cell cycle transitioning is triggered by an HIF2α-directed transcriptional program. The response is accompanied by increased expression of cell-cycle-associated proteins, including CDK1, which is known to phosphorylate SAMHD1 at T592 and thereby regulate antiviral activity. Prolyl hydroxylase (PHD) inhibitors are able to recapitulate HIF2α-dependent cell cycle entry in macrophages. Finally, tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) in lung cancers exhibit transcriptomic profiles representing responses to low oxygen and cell cycle progression at the single-cell level. These findings have implications for inflammation and tumor progression/metastasis where low-oxygen environments are common.

+view abstract Cell reports, PMID: 38996069

Superti-Furga G, Agostinho M, Bury J, Cook S, Durinx C, Ender A, van Luenen H, Lund AH, Medema RH, Miączyńska M, Nickel D, Pelicci PG, Puisieux A, Ripatti S, Sander M, Schubeler D, Serrano L, Sommer T, Sonne-Hansen K, Tomančák P, Vives J, Vontas J, Bettencourt-Dias M Signalling , Epigenetics , Immunology

The diverse range of organizations contributing to the global research ecosystem is believed to enhance the overall quality and resilience of its output. Mid-sized autonomous research institutes, distinct from universities, play a crucial role in this landscape. They often lead the way in new research fields and experimental methods, including those in social and organizational domains, which are vital for driving innovation. The EU-LIFE alliance was established with the goal of fostering excellence by developing and disseminating best practices among European biomedical research institutes. As directors of the 15 EU-LIFE institutes, we have spent a decade comparing and refining our processes. Now, we are eager to share the insights we've gained. To this end, we have crafted this Charter, outlining 10 principles we deem essential for research institutes to flourish and achieve ground-breaking discoveries. These principles, detailed in the Charter, encompass excellence, independence, training, internationality and inclusivity, mission focus, technological advancement, administrative innovation, cooperation, societal impact, and public engagement. Our aim is to inspire the establishment of new institutes that adhere to these principles and to raise awareness about their significance. We are convinced that they should be viewed a crucial component of any national and international innovation strategies.

+view abstract FEBS letters, PMID: 38514456

bioRxiv Manuscripts

Group Members

Simon Cook

Institute Director

Kathryn Balmanno

Senior Research Scientist

Suzan Ber

Senior Research Scientist

Rebecca Gilley

Senior Research Associate

Lawrence Green

PhD Student

Eleanor Griffiths

PhD Student

Eve Morrison

Visiting Student

Laura Weatherdon

PhD Student