11/03/2025 Restraint and release in tumour initiation: studying air pollutants and EGFR mutant lung cancer
12/02/2025 Babraham Distinguished Lecture: How a break in mitochondrial endosymbiosis might lie at the heart of inflammatory diseases
29/10/2024 Innovative antigen design improves mRNA vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 by enhancing B cell diversity and cross-reactivity
27/09/2024 Understanding the remote control of gene transcription: lessons from the pluripotency gene Sox2
12/09/2024 Babraham Distinguished Lecture: Understanding human organogenesis to develop therapies against liver diseases
03/09/2024 The roles of cGMP and receptor guanylyl cyclase C in the gut: diarrhoea, inflammation and cancer
08/07/2024 Tales From the Crypt: how RIPK3 kinase unleashes the zombie protein, MLKL, to kill cells by necroptosis
04/06/2024 Orchestrated localisation of functionally-related mRNAs produces 'translation factories' as sites of post-transcriptional gene regulation
23/05/2024 Babraham Distinguished Lecture: Pattern Recognition Receptor signalling in infection and sterile inflammation
16/04/2024 Determinants of Isotype-Specific Germinal Center B cell Selection and Plasma Cell Longevity