Voigt Group

Voigt Group
Voigt Group
Philipp Voigt
Tenure Track Group Leader
Voigt Group

Research Summary

We are interested in understanding the molecular mechanisms that control the accurate and timely expression of genes during development.

Post-translational modifications to histone proteins play key roles in these processes. We aim to understand how histone modifications or ‘marks’ set up chromatin states that support active transcription or gene repression. In particular, we are interested in the so-called bivalent domains, a peculiar combination of active and repressive histone marks found at developmentally regulated genes.

Bivalent domains are thought to keep genes in a poised state in undifferentiated cells such as embryonic stem cells, ready for activation upon signals that cause the cells to differentiate. We study how different histone modifiers and readers interact to establish complex regulatory systems that control development and cause disease if mis-regulated. We are taking a multidisciplinary approach to tackle these questions, combining biochemistry with proteomic, genomic, cell-biological, imaging-based, and systems biology-inspired techniques.

Understanding exactly how these complex regulatory systems establish proper gene expression patterns during development will allow us to investigate how these systems deteriorate during ageing and cause disease, while opening avenues towards mitigating such processes and towards applications in regenerative medicine.

Latest Publications

Bryan E, Valsakumar D, Idigo NJ, Warburton M, Webb KM, McLaughlin KA, Spanos C, Lenci S, Major V, Ambrosi C, Andrews S, Baubec T, Rappsilber J, Voigt P Epigenetics , Bioinformatics

Promoters of developmental genes in embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are marked by histone H3 lysine 4 trimethylation (H3K4me3) and H3K27me3 in an asymmetric nucleosomal conformation, with each sister histone H3 carrying only one of the two marks. These bivalent domains are thought to poise genes for timely activation upon differentiation. Here, we show that asymmetric bivalent nucleosomes recruit repressive H3K27me3 binders but fail to enrich activating H3K4me3 binders, thereby promoting a poised state. Strikingly, the bivalent mark combination further promotes recruitment of specific chromatin proteins that are not recruited by each mark individually, including the lysine acetyltransferase (KAT) complex KAT6B. Knockout of KAT6B blocks neuronal differentiation, demonstrating that KAT6B is critical for proper bivalent gene expression during ESC differentiation. These findings reveal how readout of the bivalent histone marks directly promotes a poised state at developmental genes while highlighting how nucleosomal asymmetry is critical for histone mark readout and function.

+view abstract Molecular cell, PMID: 39731917

Wapenaar H, Clifford G, Rolls W, Pasquier M, Burdett H, Zhang Y, Deák G, Zou J, Spanos C, Taylor MRD, Mills J, Watson JA, Kumar D, Clark R, Das A, Valsakumar D, Bramham J, Voigt P, Sproul D, Wilson MD Epigenetics

DNA methyltransferase 3A (DNMT3A) plays a critical role in establishing and maintaining DNA methylation patterns in vertebrates. Here we structurally and biochemically explore the interaction of DNMT3A1 with diverse modified nucleosomes indicative of different chromatin environments. A cryo-EM structure of the full-length DNMT3A1-DNMT3L complex with a H2AK119ub nucleosome reveals that the DNMT3A1 ubiquitin-dependent recruitment (UDR) motif interacts specifically with H2AK119ub and makes extensive contacts with the core nucleosome histone surface. This interaction facilitates robust DNMT3A1 binding to nucleosomes, and previously unexplained DNMT3A disease-associated mutations disrupt this interface. Furthermore, the UDR-nucleosome interaction synergises with other DNMT3A chromatin reading elements in the absence of histone ubiquitylation. H2AK119ub does not stimulate DNMT3A DNA methylation activity, as observed for the previously described H3K36me2 mark, which may explain low levels of DNA methylation on H2AK119ub marked facultative heterochromatin. This study highlights the importance of multivalent binding of DNMT3A to histone modifications and the nucleosome surface and increases our understanding of how DNMT3A1 chromatin recruitment occurs.

+view abstract EMBO reports, PMID: 39528729

Dias Mirandela M, Zoch A, Leismann J, Webb S, Berrens RV, Valsakumar D, Kabayama Y, Auchynnikava T, Schito M, Chowdhury T, MacLeod D, Xiang X, Zou J, Rappsilber J, Allshire RC, Voigt P, Cook AG, Barau J, O'Carroll D Epigenetics

The PIWI-interacting RNA (piRNA) pathway guides the DNA methylation of young, active transposons during germline development in male mice. piRNAs tether the PIWI protein MIWI2 (PIWIL4) to the nascent transposon transcript, resulting in DNA methylation through SPOCD1 (refs. ). Transposon methylation requires great precision: every copy needs to be methylated but off-target methylation must be avoided. However, the underlying mechanisms that ensure this precision remain unknown. Here, we show that SPOCD1 interacts directly with SPIN1 (SPINDLIN1), a chromatin reader that primarily binds to H3K4me3-K9me3 (ref. ). The prevailing assumption is that all the molecular events required for piRNA-directed DNA methylation occur after the engagement of MIWI2. We find that SPIN1 expression precedes that of both SPOCD1 and MIWI2. Furthermore, we demonstrate that young LINE1 copies, but not old ones, are marked by H3K4me3, H3K9me3 and SPIN1 before the initiation of piRNA-directed DNA methylation. We generated a Spocd1 separation-of-function allele in the mouse that encodes a SPOCD1 variant that no longer interacts with SPIN1. We found that the interaction between SPOCD1 and SPIN1 is essential for spermatogenesis and piRNA-directed DNA methylation of young LINE1 elements. We propose that piRNA-directed LINE1 DNA methylation requires a developmentally timed two-factor authentication process. The first authentication is the recruitment of SPIN1-SPOCD1 to the young LINE1 promoter, and the second is MIWI2 engagement with the nascent transcript. In summary, independent authentication events underpin the precision of piRNA-directed LINE1 DNA methylation.

+view abstract Nature, PMID: 39294378

Group Members

Philipp Voigt

Tenure Track Group Leader

Sofia Beltrame

Visiting Student

Megan Buckley

PhD Student

Ethan Hills

Visiting Scientist

Ben Roberts

PhD Student

Devadathan Sethumadhavan

Postdoc Research Scientist

Devisree Valsakumar

Postdoc Research Scientist

Katerina Wong

Visiting Student